As a software mapping platform, Aplas is able to break down thousands of complex applications, integrations, components and processes.
Unlike complex architecture tools, software mapping is designed to reach the broadest possible audience, allowing everyone to understand how your business operates through software.
REA Group was one of the earliest adopters of agile methodology and microservices architecture. Over the past decade this has lead to a highly complex architecture, managed by a highly distributed and autonomous workforce, a compounding challenge that makes delivery of end-to-end solutions difficult.
Introduced in 2018, Aplas is the central repository for software asset metadata within REA Group - across all Australian and Asian businesses. It is used as a key productivity tool to inform the executive and developers alike. It has allowed REA Group to stay agile while continuing to scale.
"Aplas is REA's key product to make sense of our microservices web. As the number of systems, integrations, teams and products increased our ability to understand our ecosystem decreased.
With Aplas we now can visualize our digital ecosystem allowing us to make better decisions and effectively manage technology evolution.
Aplas has a flexibility that perfectly accommodates our metadata, allowing systems plotted on the map to carry valuable information. This information is used by delivery, business and product people alike."
Dan Aragio
Head of Architecture
IT has a big master-data-management issue. ITSM, CIDB, EA, PM, and SCM tools all with overlapping and unsynchronized software asset metadata.
Software indexing is about (1) creating a high-level workflow-agnostic index of software asset metadata, and (2) integrating via APIs or package connectors, to keep it in sync with other systems.
From a single map, many styles can be designed - each telling a different story on a single organizational software map.
Our style designer is extremely powerful - change the color of applications to show risk, or the color of integrations to show which technology supports them. Visualize your data in anyway you can imagine.
Getting the right information to the right people at the right time is extremely challenging. When processes fail, who has the insight to make a correction?
Aplas is built around publishing software asset metadata to the broadest possible audience. Ensuring it's always available and nothing falls through the cracks.